​How was Goulock born?

was looking to arrange my wine cellar, which happened to be a modest-sized but characterful cellar. It had a vaulted stone structure like those found in old Gaumaise houses, with a consistent temperature of 10°C throughout the year and humidity levels around 90% ideal for wine. The available storage solutions didn't meet my expectations: one had an aesthetic with a design that felt too 'bulky' and would have spoiled the charm of my cellar, and the other was impractical with limited bottle visibility and access. So, I came up with Goulock®, an original concept that provides excellent visibility of each label and easy access to each bottle. It's also a solution with a simple design and modularity that allows for adapting the cellar layout over time. Everything is made from solid Afzelia wood, which is particularly resistant to humidity, and thermocoated steel for optimal corrosion resistance. Quality is guaranteed.​
Benoit Jeanjot, Creator of Goulock.

The Goulock Team

Benoit Jeanjot 

As the inventor and creator of Goulock, Benoit primarily handles the technical and business development aspects of the company.

Louis Jeanjot 

Son of Benoit and Head of Communication for Goulock, Louis manages e-commerce and social media.

Michel Blaise 

Childhood friend and sales representative for Goulock, Michel brings her experience in sales and trade shows.